At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Pathognomonic Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Pathognomonic Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    : distinctively characteristic of a particular disease Word History Etymology borrowed from New Latin pathognōmonicus, borrowed from Greek pathognōmonikós, from patho- patho- + gnōmonikós "judging by rule, capable of judging," from gnṓmōn "examiner, …

Pathognomonic | definition of pathognomonic by Medical …
    path·og·no·mon·ic ( path'og-nō-mon'ik) Denoting something characteristic or indicative of a disease; denoting especially one or more typical symptoms, findings, or patterns of …

Pathognomonic Definition & Meaning |
    adjective Medicine/Medical. characteristic or diagnostic of a specific disease: a pathognomonic sign of pneumonia. TAKE THE QUIZ TO FIND OUT Origin of …

Pathognomonic - Wikipedia

    Medical Definition of Pathognomonic -
      Pathognomonic: A sign or symptom that is so characteristic of a disease that it can be used to make a diagnosis. For example, Koplik spots in the mouth opposite …

    Pathognomonic definition, pathognomonic signs of …
      Pathognomonic is derived from the Greek pathos for “disease” and gnōmon for “indicator”. Labelling a sign or symptom “pathognomonic” represents a marked …

    Pathognomic - definition of Pathognomic by The Free …
      pa·thog·no·mon·ic (pə-thŏg′nə-mŏn′ĭk, păth′əg-nō-) adj. Specific to a certain disease or condition, as a symptom or finding on physical examination. [Greek pathognōmonikos : …

    Pathognomonic - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
      Pathognomonic features denote a single disease, or disease category, and without them the diagnosis is impossible or uncertain. For example, Reed–Sternberg cells are said …

    Facebook - National Cancer Institute
      A dictionary of more than 150 genetics-related terms written for healthcare professionals. This resource was developed to support the comprehensive, evidence-based, peer …

    Medical Definition of Pathognomonic - RxList
      Pathognomonic: A sign or symptom that is so characteristic of a disease that it can be used to make a diagnosis. For example, Koplik spots in the mouth opposite …

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