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Penicillin | definition of penicillin by Medical dictionary
    penicillin. an antibiotic produced by the FUNGUS Penicillium that is toxic to a number of bacteria, both pathogenic and nonpathogenic. In 1928 it was observed by Sir Alexander FLEMING that the FUNGUS inhibited growth of bacteria, and that a substance …

Penicillin Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    pen· i· cil· lin ˌpe-nə-ˈsi-lən. 1. : any of several relatively nontoxic antibiotic acids of the general formula C9H11N2O4SR that are produced by molds (genus Penicillium and …

Penicillins | definition of penicillins by Medical dictionary
    Penicillins are antibiotics (medicines used to treat infections caused by microorganisms). There are several types of penicillins, each used to treat different kinds of infections, such …

Antibiotic Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    Medical Definition antibiotic 1 of 2 adjective an· ti· bi· ot· ic -bī-ˈät-ik; -bē- 1 : tending to prevent, inhibit, or destroy life 2 : of or relating to antibiotics or to antibiosis antibiotically …

Penicilin | definition of Penicilin by Medical dictionary
    any of a large group of natural or semisynthetic antibacterial antibiotics derived directly or indirectly from strains of fungi of the genus Penicillium and other soil …

Pennicillin | definition of Pennicillin by Medical dictionary
    penicillin (pĕn′ĭ-sĭl′ĭn) n. 1. An antibiotic drug obtained from molds especially of the genus Penicilliumor produced synthetically, available in various preparations and usually used to …

Penicillin Definition & Meaning |
    penicillin / ( ˌpɛnɪˈsɪlɪn) / noun any of a group of antibiotics with powerful bactericidal action, used to treat many types of infections, including pneumonia, gonorrhoea, and …

Phenoxymethyl penicillin | definition of phenoxymethyl …
    penicillin G the most widely used penicillin, used principally in the treatment of infections due to gram-positive organisms, gram-negative cocci, Treponema pallidum and …

Medical Definition of Penicillin - RxList
    Penicillin: The most famous of all antibiotics, named for the fungal mold Penicillium notatum from which it is derived. Penicillin acts by destroying the cell wall …

Penicillium | definition of Penicillium by Medical dictionary
    Penicillium. ( pen'i-sil'ē-ŭm ), A genus of fungi (class Ascomycetes, order Aspergillales), some species of which yield various antibiotic substances and biologicals; for …

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