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Petiole | definition of petiole by Medical dictionary
    petiole. [ pet´e-ōl] a stem, stalk, or pedicle. epiglottic petiole the pointed lower end of the epiglottic cartilage, attached to the thyroid cartilage. Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, …

Petiole Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    1 : a slender stem that supports the blade of a foliage leaf 2 : peduncle specifically : a slender abdominal segment joining the rest of the abdomen to the thorax in some insects …

Epiglottic petiole | definition of epiglottic petiole by …
    petiole. [ pet´e-ōl] a stem, stalk, or pedicle. epiglottic petiole the pointed lower end of the epiglottic cartilage, attached to the thyroid cartilage. Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and …

Petiole - definition of petiole by The Free Dictionary
    pet·i·ole (pĕt′ē-ōl′) n. 1. Botany The stalk by which a leaf is attached to a stem. Also called leafstalk. 2. Zoology A slender, stalklike part, as that connecting the thorax and …

Petiole - Definition and Function | Biology Dictionary

    Petiol | definition of Petiol by Medical dictionary
      (a) Simple leaves. (b) Compound leaves. leaf the principal photosynthetic organ of vascular plants, which typically consists of a flattened lamina joined to the stem by a stalk or …

    Petiole (botany) | definition of Petiole (botany) by Medical …
      petiolule, midrib, stipule phyl·lode ( fil'ōd ), A flattened leaflike petiole; applied to any structure resembling a leaf, especially to a cross-section of a neoplasm with a foliated …

    Petiole Properties & Function | What is Petiole?
      The petiole is that pathway, providing a pipeline from the source of food being made to the rest of the plant. The petiole is a two-way street, however, and is also the …

    Petiole | Article about petiole by The Free Dictionary
      petiole 1. the stalk by which a leaf is attached to the rest of the plant 2. Zoology a slender stalk or stem, such as the connection between the thorax and abdomen of ants Collins …

    Petiole definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
      petiole in British English (ˈpɛtɪˌəʊl ) noun 1. the stalk by which a leaf is attached to the rest of the plant 2. zoology a slender stalk or stem, such as the connection between the …

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