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Pinna Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
- or pinnas 1 : a feather, wing, or fin or a part like one 2 : the part of the ear that is outside the head and is made of cartilage Medical Definition pinna noun pin· na ˈpin-ə plural pinnae ˈpin-ˌē -ˌī or pinnas : the largely cartilaginous projecting portion of the external ear pinnal …
Pinna | definition of pinna by Medical dictionary
- pin·nae. ( pin'ă, pin'ē ), 1. ☆ official atlternate term for auricle. 2. A feather, wing, or fin. 3. In veterinary anatomy, the moveable cartilage and associated fleshy structures of the …
Ear Anatomy – Outer Ear | McGovern …
- The medical term for the outer ear is the auricle or pinna. The outer ear is made up of cartilage and skin. There are three different parts to the outer ear; the tragus, helix and the lobule. EAR CANAL The ear …
Auricle Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
- Medical Definition auricle noun au· ri· cle ˈȯr-i-kəl 1 a : pinna b : an atrium of the heart 2 : an angular or ear-shaped anatomical lobe or process (as an auricular appendage of the …
Pinnas | definition of pinnas by Medical dictionary
- 1. the projecting part of the ear lying outside the head; called also pinna. Auricle. 2. the ear-shaped appendage of either atrium of the heart; formerly used to designate the entire …
Ear pinna | definition of ear pinna by Medical dictionary
- The vertebrate organ of hearing, responsible for maintaining equilibrium as well as sensing sound and divided in mammals into the external ear, the middle ear, and the …
Low-set ears and pinna abnormalities
- The outer ear or "pinna" forms when the baby is growing in the mother's womb. The growth of this ear part takes place at a time when many other organs are developing (such as the kidneys). …
What's the Pinna? (for Kids) - Nemours KidsHealth
- Pinna en español Pabellón auricular Pinna Say: pih -nuh What? What? Better put your hand around your pinna to hear this better. That's the name for the part of your ear that …
Pinnal | definition of pinnal by Medical dictionary
- Pinnal | definition of pinnal by Medical dictionary pinnal Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Encyclopedia. Related to pinnal: pinnal alopecia pin·nal ( pin'ăl ), Relating to …
Pinnas - definition of pinnas by The Free Dictionary
- 1. a primary division of a pinnate leaf. 2. a. a feather, wing, or winglike part. b. a fin or flipper. 3. the visible portion of the ear that projects from the head. [1660–70; < Latin: feather, …
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