At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Placental Sinus Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Placenta previa - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
    Placenta previa (pluh-SEN-tuh PREH-vee-uh) is a problem during pregnancy when the placenta completely or partially covers the opening of the uterus (cervix). The placenta is an organ that develops inside the uterus during pregnancy. It works to provide oxygen and nutrition to the baby and to remove waste. See more

Uteroplacental sinus | definition of ... - Medical Dictionary
    Uteroplacental sinus | definition of uteroplacental sinus by Medical dictionary TheFreeDictionary uteroplacental sinus Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, …

Placental abruption - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
    Placental abruption (abruptio placentae) is an uncommon yet serious complication of pregnancy. The placenta develops in the uterus during pregnancy. It …

Marginal sinus of placenta | definition of ... - Medical …
    Marginal sinus of placenta | definition of marginal sinus of placenta by Medical dictionary TheFreeDictionary Google marginal sinus of placenta marginal sinus of …

Marginal sinus placenta previa is a different entity in …
    Placenta previa is defined as the abnormal implantation of the placenta into the lower uterine segment, overlying or approaching the internal os, and is …

What is placental marginal sinus? - Studybuff
    What is placental marginal sinus? Marginal sinus placenta previa is a mild type of placenta previa in the clinical setting because the intra- and post-operative hemorrhage …

Placenta | definition of Placenta by Medical dictionary
    [ plah-sen´tah] (pl. placentas, placen´tae) ( L.) an organ characteristic of true mammals during pregnancy, joining mother and offspring, providing endocrine secretion and …

Descended marginal sinus of the placenta - PubMed
    Descended marginal sinus of the placenta This is the first reported case of descent of the placental marginal sinus through the cervix to the external os. We think …

Sinus | definition of sinus by Medical dictionary
    , pl. sinus, sinuses ( sī'nŭs, -ĕz) 1. A channel for the passage of blood or lymph, without the coats of an ordinary vessel, e.g., blood passages in the gravid uterus or those in the …

What is the definition of Placental sinus? |
    Definitions of PLACENTAL SINUS 1898 - American pocket medical dictionary Sort: Oldest first venous channel around edge of placenta. 1898 - American pocket medical …

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