At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Pleural Sac Medical Dictionary. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Pleural sac | definition of Pleural sac by …
    1. a hollow or space, or a potential space, within the body or one of its organs; called also caverna and cavum. 2. the lesion produced by dental caries. Cavities in the body. From Applegate, 2000. abdominal cavity the cavity of the body between the diaphragm …

Pleural cavity: Anatomy, location, function | Kenhub
    The pleural cavity is a fluid filled space that surrounds the lungs. It is found in the thorax, separating the lungs from its surrounding structures such as the thoracic …

Pleura: Anatomy, Function, and Conditions - Verywell …
    Pleurisy. Pleurisy is inflammation of the pleural membranes. It is most commonly caused by a viral infection, but may also be the result of a bacterial infection or …

Pleural Effusion - Causes, Symptoms, Types, and …
    A pleural effusion is an unusual amount of fluid around the lung. Many medical conditions can lead to it, so even though your pleural effusion may have to be …

Pleurisy - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic

    Pleural effusion: Causes, diagnosis, and …
      Pleural effusion, sometimes called water on the lung, is a buildup of fluid between the lungs and the chest cavity. It can result from pneumonia, heart failure, cancer, …

    Pleural Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
      plural pleurae ˈplu̇ (ə)r-ˌē -ˌī or pleuras : the delicate membrane lining each half of the chest of mammals and folded back over the surface of the lung of the same side pleural ˈplu̇r …

    Pleuralgia | definition of pleuralgia by Medical dictionary
      pleuralgia (ploo-ral'je-a) [? + algos, pain] Pain in the pleura, or in the side. Synonym: intercostal neuralgia Medical Dictionary, © 2009 Farlex and Partners Want to thank TFD …

    Pleural sac - definition of Pleural sac by The Free Dictionary
      1. pleural cavity - the cavity in the thorax that contains the lungs and heart bodily cavity, cavum, cavity - (anatomy) a natural hollow or sinus within the body pleura - the thin …

    pleural sac - Definition |
      pleural sac Definitions related to pleural sac: Serous sac that surrounds the lung and lines the cavity of a hemithorax. Examples: There are only two canonical instances, right and …

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