At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Polio Medical. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Polio - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
    Polio is an illness caused by a virus that mainly affects nerves in the spinal cord or brain stem. In its most severe form, polio can lead to a person being unable to move certain limbs, also called paralysis. It can also lead to trouble breathing and sometimes death. The disease also is called poliomyelitis. See more

What is Polio? - Centers for Disease Control and …
    Polio, or poliomyelitis, is a disabling and life-threatening disease caused by the poliovirus. The virus spreads from person to person and can infect a person’s spinal cord, causing paralysis (can’t move parts …

Polio: Types, Causes, & Symptoms - Healthline
    Polio (also known as poliomyelitis) is a highly contagious disease caused by a virus that attacks the nervous system. Children …

Polio (Poliomyelitis) | Johns Hopkins Medicine
    Polio can cause a variety of symptoms. Depending on the severity of the case, these can include: Fever Fatigue Vomiting Headache Neck stiffness Pain in the arms and legs …

Poliomyelitis (polio) - World Health Organization
    Poliomyelitis (polio) is a highly infectious viral disease that largely affects children under 5 years of age. The virus is transmitted by person-to-person spread mainly through the faecal-oral route or, less …

Polio: Symptoms, Prevention, and Treatment - WebMD
    Polio is different from acute flaccid myelitis (AFM), a rare but serious condition that also attacks the nervous system and causes your muscles to weaken. Some people call AFM …

Polio: For Healthcare Providers | CDC
    Poliovirus is a member of the Enterovirus genus, family Picornaviridae. Enteroviruses are transient inhabitants of the gastrointestinal tract and are stable at acidic pH. Picornaviruses are small, ether …

Poliomyelitis - World Health Organization
    Polio is a highly infectious disease caused by a virus. It invades the nervous system and can cause total paralysis in a matter of hours. The virus is transmitted by …

Post-Polio Syndrome - National Institute of Neurological …
    Polio, or poliomyelitis, is an infectious viral disease that can harm the nervous system. Post-polio syndrome (PPS) usually occurs 15-40 years after the …

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