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Poly- | definition of poly- by Medical dictionary
- 1. Prefix denoting many; multiplicity. Compare: multi-, pluri-. 2. In chemistry, prefix meaning "polymer of," as in polypeptide, polysaccharide, polynucleotide; often used with symbols, as in poly (A) for poly (adenylic acid), poly (Lys) for poly (l-lysine). [G. polys, much, many] …
Poly Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
- The meaning of POLY is a polymerized plastic or something made of this; especially : a polyester fiber, fabric, or garment. How to use poly in a sentence. a polymerized plastic …
Medical Definition of Poly-
- Poly-: 1: Prefix meaning much or many. For example, polycystic means characterized by many cysts. 2: Short form for polymorphonuclear leukocyte, a type of …
POLY Medical Abbreviation Meaning -
- POLY Medical Abbreviation Meaning POLY Meaning Abbreviated POLY Medical Abbreviation What is POLY meaning in Medical? 19 meanings of POLY abbreviation …
Polypharmacy Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
- polypharmacy noun poly· phar· ma· cy ˌpä-li-ˈfär-mə-sē : the practice of administering many different medicines especially concurrently for the treatment of a single disease also : the …
Polyneuropathy | definition of polyneuropathy by Medical …
- pol·y·neu·rop·a·thy. ( pol'ē-nū-rop'ă-thē ), 1. A disease process involving a number of peripheral nerves (literal sense). 2. A nontraumatic generalized disorder of peripheral …
Polyneuropathy: Types, Causes, and More - Healthline
- Polyneuropathy is a condition in which a person’s peripheral nerves are damaged. It affects the nerves in your skin, muscles, and organs. When these nerves are …
Polyp | definition of polyp by Medical dictionary
- polyp. [ pol´ip] any growth or mass protruding from a mucous membrane. Polyps may be attached to a membrane by a thin stalk ( pedunculated polyps ), or they may have a …
What is polypharmacy? A systematic review of definitions
- Despite this, there is no consensus definition for polypharmacy. A systematic review was conducted to identify and summarise polypharmacy definitions in existing …
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