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Porphyria - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
    Porphyria (por-FEAR-e-uh) refers to a group of disorders that result from a buildup of natural chemicals that produce porphyrin in your body. Porphyrins are essential for the function of hemoglobin — a protein in your red blood cells that links to porphyrin, binds iron, and carries oxygen to your organs and … See more

Porphyria: MedlinePlus Genetics
    Porphyria is a group of disorders caused by abnormalities in the chemical steps that lead to heme production. Heme is a vital molecule for all of the body's organs, although …

Porphyria: Symptoms, Causes, Treatments - Cleveland …
    The term porphyria describes a group of eight disorders that affect the skin and nervous system. Most of these disorders are inherited (passed down from family members). One …

Porphyria: Types, Symptoms, and …
    Porphyrias are a group of rare inherited blood disorders. People with these disorders have problems …

Porphyria: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia
    Porphyrias are a group of rare inherited disorders. An important part of hemoglobin, called heme, is not made properly. Hemoglobin is a protein in red blood cells that carries …

Porphyria: Types, Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment
    Porphyria is a group of disorders that can cause nerve or skin problems. There's no cure, but you can get treatments that will help you manage your symptoms. If you have …

Porphyria - Wikipedia
    Porphyria is a group of liver disorders in which substances called porphyrins build up in the body, negatively affecting the skin or nervous system. [1] …

Porphyrias | definition of Porphyrias by Medical dictionary
    Definition. The porphyrias are disorders in which the body produces too much porphyrin and insufficient heme (an iron-containing nonprotein portion of the …

Porphyry Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    noun. por· phy· ry ˈpȯr-f (ə-)rē. plural porphyries. 1. : a rock consisting of feldspar crystals embedded in a compact dark red or purple groundmass. 2. : an igneous …

Porphyrie : Causes, Signes, Traitements - Vulgaris Médical
    Les porphyries sont des maladies dues à la surproduction de porphyrines ou des éléments qui donneront des porphyrines. Généralités Elles sont classées en deux groupes, selon …

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