At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Portable Medical Isolation Unit. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Portable Patient Isolation Unit | Isolation Capsule w/ Litter …

    CAPSULS™ Patient Isolation Unit PIU- Isovac Products
      Standard Color: Safety Orange 00:00 01:55 CAPSULS™ is a portable patient isolation unit (PIU) which prevents particulate (biological and radiological) cross-contamination …

    Patient Isolation Systems - OPEC Systems
      Patient Isolation Systems. Designed to provide medical staff and first responders a safe means to isolate contaminated patients, and even transport them from one location to …

    Carcoon Portable Medical Units
      Our RAPIDLY DEPLOYABLE isolation and medical units can be set up quickly and easily, and are designed for INDOOR or OUTDOOR use. These units are available in a variety …

    Need more information about Portable Medical Isolation Unit?

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