At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Portex Medical Uk. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Portex® Products | ICU Medical
    Portex ® acapella ® Choice Vibratory PEP Therapy System The acapella ® choice Vibratory PEP Therapy System provides the ability to open airways and mobilize or …

Tracheostomy Tubes and Kits | ICU Medical - Smiths Medical
    The Portex® and Bivona® tracheostomy products offer one of the most complete ranges of this kind of product in the world for both surgical and percutaneous procedures. Bivona® …

Portex® Products | ICU Medical
    Portex® Products | ICU Medical Portex® Portex ® BLUgriggs ® Dilating Forceps Kits for Percutaneous Tracheostomy BLUperc ® provides the clinician with a range of totally intergraded procedural kits for …

Portex® Adult Tracheostomy Tube - UK English - Smiths Medical
    Portex ® Blue Line ® Uncuffed Tracheostomy Tubes Tracheostomy tube made of thermosensitive PVC - provides sufficient rigidity for initial insertion, and then softens at …

ICU Medical UK Homepage: Portex Medex Deltec Level1 BCI …
    We design and make a complete line of safe, reliable products for use across the continuum of care. We help patients and caregivers forge the human and emotional connections that …

Portex® - Henleys Medical Supplies Webshop
    Portex® products are manufactured by Smith Medical. Henleys Medical Supplies are the exclusive distributor for the Portex® Acapella range of Mucus Clearance Oscillatory PEP …

Portex® Mini-Trach® II Kit, Tracheostomy Tubes and Kits | ICU …
    Portex® Mini-Trach® II Kit Portex ® Mini-Trach ® II Kit Mini-Trach ® II is a kit for performing the rapidly growing technique of mini-tracheotomy (1). This technique has many uses in …

Portex® Products | ICU Medical
    The Portex ® EchoGlo ® Peripheral Nerve Block Needle has been engineered for echogenic brightness at any angle or orientation – whether steep and deep, or shallow …

Portex ® Plastic "Loss of Resistance" Syringes - Smiths Medical
    The PORTEX ® "Loss of Resistance" (LOR) Device is a single use, low-friction syringe specifically designed to facilitate successful location of the epidural space. The Plastic …

Protex Medical - PM
    About Protex Medical. PROTEX MEDICAL has been fulfilling your incontinence needs since 1994 and we are the proud retailer of high-quality products from the United States …

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