At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Pprune Cathay Medical. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.
Cathay Medical - PPRuNe Forums
- Medical & Health - Cathay Medical - Hi there, I have the required health to pass an Aussie medical. Question: Does the Cathay medical have specific Cholesterol …
Cathay Medical - PPRuNe Forums
- South Asia and the Far East - Cathay Medical - All, I have aquestion with regard to flying for Cathay and the medical. Can you fly with an FAA class 1? If not what …
Cathay Medical - PPRuNe Forums
- South Asia and Far East Wannabes - Cathay Medical - So I have a slight color vision deficiency. I couldn't pass the Ishihara Plates test, but I did pass the …
Cathay Medical - PPRuNe Forums
- South Asia and Far East Wannabes - Cathay Medical - Hello, To those who have gone through the process, can you please inform me of what to expect at the …
Cathay Medical. - PPRuNe Forums
- South Asia and Far East Wannabes - Cathay Medical. - I have heard that Cathay puts you through a pretty intensive medical. Can anyone tell me as to what they …
cathay - PPRuNe Forums - Threads Tagged with cathay
- Medical & Health; Questions; Non-Airline Forums. Private Flying; Space Flight and Operations; Misc. Forums. ... PPRuNe Forums > Tags > Threads Tagged with cathay. …
PPRuNe Forums - Cathay Medical
- I have the required health to pass an Aussie medical. Question: Does the Cathay medical have specific Cholesterol limits? I have a total Cholesterol of 6.5. Would this preclude me …
cathay pacifc - PPRuNe Forums - Threads Tagged with …
- Medical & Health; Questions; Non-Airline Forums. Private Flying; Space Flight and Operations; Misc. Forums. ... PPRuNe Forums > Tags > Threads Tagged with cathay …
PPRuNe Forums - Cathay Medical
- So I have a slight color vision deficiency. I couldn't pass the Ishihara Plates test, but I did pass the Farnsworth Panel D-15 test and have held a first class medical with no …
Cathay Pacific - PPRuNe Forums
- Hey FAKO, Cathay Pacific does interview in Johannesburg for second officer position from time to time. Although they will not cold call you, so unless you have applied …
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