At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Precipitated Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Precipitate | definition of precipitate by Medical dictionary
    precipitate [ pre-sip´ĭ-tāt] 1. to cause settling in solid particles of a substance in solution. 2. a deposit of solid particles settled out of a solution. 3. to cause an event or occurrence. 4. (pre-sip´i-tat) occurring with undue rapidity, as precipitate labor.

Precipitate Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    3 a : to cause to separate from solution or suspension b : to cause (vapor) to condense and fall or deposit intransitive verb 1 a : to fall headlong b : to fall or come suddenly into …

Precipitation | definition of precipitation by Medical …
    pre·cip·i·ta·tion ( prē-sip'i-tā'shŭn ), 1. The process of formation of a solid previously held in solution or suspension in a liquid. 2. The phenomenon of clumping of proteins in serum …

Precipitation Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    Synonyms of precipitation 1 : the quality or state of being precipitate : hastiness 2 : an act, process, or instance of precipitating especially : the process of forming a precipitate 3 : …

Precipitated Withdrawal: Definition, Symptoms, Traits, …

    Precipitated Definition & Meaning |
      Definition of precipitated. having been brought on suddenly or prematurely:Pressure on the tender spot causes the patient to physically react to the precipitated pain by …

    Precipitating factors - Definition and …
      Precipitating factors. These are factors, events, or stressors that initiate or promote the onset of any illness, disease, accident, or behavioral response. For …

    Precipitated Withdrawal: Symptoms, Treatment, Coping …
      Precipitated withdrawal refers to withdrawal that’s caused by a medication, rather than abstinence. Precipitated withdrawal is expected when using naloxone to …

    Precipitate labor | definition of precipitate labor by …
      The beginning of labor is usually indicated by one or more of the following signs: (1) show (passage from the vagina of small quantities of blood-tinged mucus); (2) breaking the …

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