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Proband | definition of proband by Medical dictionary
    proband. The presenting patient of a group with an identical or similar disorder, especially the member of a family first found to have an inheritable disorder. Also known as propositus. Collins Dictionary of Medicine © Robert M. Youngson 2004, 2005.

Proband Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    proband noun pro· band ˈprō-ˌband prō-ˈband : an individual affected with a disorder who is the first subject in a study (as of a genetic character in a family lineage) Word History …

Probands | definition of Probands by Medical dictionary
    proband The presenting patient of a group with an identical or similar disorder, especially the member of a family first found to have an inheritable disorder. Also known as …

Proband Definition & Meaning |
    Proband Definition & Meaning | Top Definitions Quiz British proband [ proh-band ] SHOW IPA noun Genetics. a patient who is the initial member of a family to …

Proband -
    A proband is an individual who is affected by a genetic condition or who is concerned they are at risk. Usually, the proband is the first person in a family who …

Medical Dictionary - Merriam-Webster
    Medical Terms and Abbreviations: Merriam-Webster Medical Dictionary Est. 1828 Medical Dictionary Search medical terms and abbreviations with the most up-to-date and comprehensive medical dictionary from the …

Medical Definition of Proband - MedicineNet
    Proband: The family member through whom a family's medical history comes to attention. For example, a proband might be a baby with Down syndrome. The …

Proband Overview & Significance | What is a Proband?
    The proband is the first person in a family that is treated for a genetic disorder. Other members in the family may have the disorder or be carriers for the disorder, but the proband is the...

Proband - definition of proband by The Free Dictionary
    pro·band. (prō′bănd′, prō-bănd′) n. See index case. [German Proband, person being tested, test subject, from Latin probandus, gerundive of probāre, to test; see prove .] American …

proband - Medical Dictionary
    proband Popular Medical Dictionary Searches: Ibuprofen Aspirin Dementia Breast Cancer Fibrosis Headache Mesothelioma Migraine Medical Dictionary is a free resource to …

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