At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Prophylactic Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Prophylactic | definition of prophylactic by Medical dictionary
    prophylactic (prō′fə-lăk′tĭk, prŏf′ə-) adj. Acting to defend against or prevent something, especially disease; protective. n. 1. A prophylactic agent, device, or measure, such as a vaccine or drug. 2. A contraceptive device, especially a condom. pro′phy·lac′ti·cal·ly adv.

Prophylactic Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    pro· phy· lac· tic ˌprō-fə-ˈlak-tik. 1. : guarding from or preventing the spread or occurrence of disease or infection. 2. : tending to prevent or ward off. prophylactic. 2 of 2 noun. : something prophylactic. especially : …

Prophylaxis Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    plural prophylaxes -ˈlak-ˌsēz. : measures designed to preserve health and prevent the spread of disease : protective or preventive treatment. prophylaxis against viral …

Prophylaxis | definition of prophylaxis by Medical dictionary
    , pl. prophylaxes ( prō'fi-lak'sis, -sēz) 1. Prevention of disease or of a process that can lead to disease. 2. In dentistry, extrinsic stain removal and sealing procedures done to …

Prophylaxis: Definition, Types, and More - Verywell Health
    A prophylactic drug is one that's used to prevent a disease or condition. For example, pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is taken to …

Medical Definition of Prophylactic - MedicineNet
    A prophylactic is a medication or a treatment designed and used to prevent a disease from occurring. For example, prophylactic antibiotics may be used …

Prophylactic treatment | definition of ... - Medical Dictionary
    1. the management and care of a patient; see also care. 2. the combating of a disease or disorder; called also therapy. Schematic of the treatment planning process using …

Prophylactic vaccination | definition of ... - Medical …
    pro·phy·lac·tic ( prō'fi-lak'tik) 1. Preventing disease; relating to prophylaxis. Synonym (s): preventive. 2. An agent that acts to prevent a disease. 3. Colloq. used to mean condom, …

Prophylactic - definition of prophylactic by The Free …
    pro•phy•lac•tic (ˌproʊ fəˈlæk tɪk, ˌprɒf ə-) adj. 1. preventive or protective, esp. from disease or infection. n. 2. a prophylactic medicine or measure. 3. a preventive. 4. a device used to prevent conception or venereal …

Definition of prophylactic | Healthmagazine
    In medicine, the term prophylaxis is used to describe surgery, teeth cleaning, vaccinations, birth control, and many other types of procedures and treatments …

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