At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Prospect Medical Holdings Ca. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Prospect Medical Holdings Incorporated : News & Locations
    Welcome to Prospect Medical Holdings Locations We are hospitals and affiliated medical groups working for the benefit of every person who comes to us for care. Our …

About Us | Prospect Medical Holdings, Inc.
    Prospect Medical Holdings' vision is to help patients and their families find their way through the complex medical landscape. Our model was developed based on population …

Hospital Locations | Prospect Medical Holdings, Inc.
    We own and operate 16 hospitals and a network of more than 165 outpatient facilities and clinics in Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Southern California. Our …

Prospect Medical Systems | Prospect Medical Holdings, Inc.
    Prospect Medical Holdings contracts with most major health plans, and we serve all product lines, including commercial, Medicare, Medicaid, Medicare/Medicaid (Medi-Medi) …

Find a Physician in Southern CA | Prospect Medical
    Why Choose Prospect; Delivering a Better Care Experience; FAQ; History; Mission Statement; Leadership; Awards; Find Physicians. Services & Locations. Urgent …

Prospect Medical Group, an Independent …
    At Prospect Medical, we provide quality, award-winning, accessible care to help our members live healthier lives. We work closely with independent physicians to deliver …

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