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What Is Puerperal Psychosis? - Verywell Family
    Puerperal psychosis is a rare, and very severe postpartum mood disorder commonly referred to as postpartum psychosis. Symptoms appear suddenly within the first couple of weeks of giving birth. While the condition may resemble symptoms of bipolar …

Puerperal | definition of puerperal by Medical dictionary
    puerperal: [ pu-er´per-al ] pertaining to a puerpera or to the puerperium. puerperal fever an infectious, sometimes fatal, disease of childbirth; until the mid-19th century, this dreaded, …

Puerperal insanity - DicoPolHiS - Le Mans University
    Puerperal mania in four stages, Medical times, 1858, Wellcome collection. The topicality of cases of infanticide invites us to question the historical origin of the madness of …

Medical Dictionary - Merriam-Webster
    Medical Dictionary. Search medical terms and abbreviations with the most up-to-date and comprehensive medical dictionary from the reference experts at …

Puerperal Mania – Definition/Meaning | Drlogy
    Medical Dictionary> puerperal-mania; Puerperal Mania. Puerperal Insanity; mania which supervenes in the childbed state, usually within a week or ten days after delivery …

Puerperal Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    puerperal: [adjective] of, relating to, or occurring during childbirth or the period immediately following.

Puerperal Infection | definition of Puerperal ... - Medical …
    Puerperal Infection: Definition The term puerperal infection refers to a bacterial infection following childbirth . The infection may also be referred to as puerperal or postpartum …

Puerperal - definition of puerperal by The Free Dictionary
    Define puerperal. puerperal synonyms, puerperal pronunciation, puerperal translation, English dictionary definition of puerperal. adj. Relating to, connected with, or occurring …

What is the definition of Mania, puerperal? |
    Mania, puerperal - Mania which supervenes in the child-bed state. MANIA, PUERPERAL ... 1846 - Medical lexicon: a dictionary of medical science By Robley …

What is the definition of Mania persecutoria puerperalis?
    Mania persecutoria puerperalis - M. of persecution occurring in a puerperal woman. ... 1916 - Appleton's medical dictionary By Smith Ely Jelliffe . Install our …

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