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Punctum Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster Medical
    punc· tum ˈpəŋ (k)-təm plural puncta -tə : a small area marked off from a surrounding surface insect bites … may show the central tiny hemorrhagic punctum Journal of the American Medical Association see lacrimal punctum Dictionary Entries Near punctum …

Punctum | definition of punctum by Medical dictionary
    1. The tip or end of a sharp process. 2. A minute round spot differing in color or otherwise in appearance from the surrounding tissues. 3. A point on the optic axis of an optic …

Punctum - definition of punctum by The Free Dictionary
    punctum ( ˈpʌŋktəm) n, pl -tums or -ta ( -tə) 1. (Anatomy) anatomy a tip or small point 2. (Mathematics) obsolete a mathematical point 3. obsolete a small unit of time 4. obsolete …

Lacrimal punctum Definition & Meaning | Merriam …
    lacrimal punctum noun lacrimal punc· tum -ˈpəŋk-təm : the opening of either the upper or the lower lacrimal duct at the inner canthus of the eye Dictionary Entries Near lacrimal …

Puncta | definition of puncta by Medical dictionary
    punctum (punk'tum) plural.puncta [L.] Point. punctum caecum Blind spot (1). puncta dolorosa Painful points in the course of, or at the exit of, nerves affected by neuralgia. …

Punctum proximum | definition of punctum proximum by …
    punctum [ pungk´tum] ( L.) a point or small spot. punctum cae´cum blind spot. punctum lacrima´le (pl. punc´ta lacrima´lia ), an opening of a lacrimal duct on the edge of the …

Punctum remotum | definition of punctum remotum by …
    punctum [ pungk´tum] ( L.) a point or small spot. punctum cae´cum blind spot. punctum lacrima´le (pl. punc´ta lacrima´lia ), an opening of a lacrimal duct on the edge of the …

Punctum fixum - DocCheck Flexikon
    Definition. Punctum fixum in anatomical terms is a latin term for the point, which is not moving during a contraction of a muscle, ie it is fixed. If it is an origin of the muscle or …

What is the definition of Punctum? |
    What is the definition of Punctum? | Punctum - A point. PUNCTUM \pˈʌŋktəm], \pˈʌŋktəm], \p_ˈʌ_ŋ_k_t_ə_m]\ Definitions of PUNCTUM 2010 - …

What is the definition of Punctum dolorosum? |
    Definitions of PUNCTUM DOLOROSUM 1920 - A practical medical dictionary. Sort: Oldest first Painful point, see Valleix's points. 1920 - A practical medical dictionary. By …

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