At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Pyriform Sinus Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Piriform sinus Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster …
    piriform sinus noun variants or pyriform sinus or piriform recess or pyriform recess or piriform fossa or pyriform fossa : a small cavity or pocket between the lateral walls of the pharynx on each side and the upper part of the larynx Dictionary Entries Near piriform …

Pyriform sinus - Wikipedia

    Pyriform sinus | Radiology Reference Article
      The pyriform sinus (also spelled piriform sinus and also known as the pyriform recess, pyriform fossa, and smuggler's fossa) is the pear-shaped subsite of …

    Piriform sinus | definition of Piriform sinus by Medical …
      Piriform sinus | definition of Piriform sinus by Medical dictionary piriform fossa (redirected from Piriform sinus) Also found in: Wikipedia . pir·i·form fos·sa [TA] a recess in the …

    Pyriform Sinus - Laryngopedia
      Pyriform sinus refers to the pear-shaped fossa (Latin for “trench”) just lateral to the laryngeal entrance. Its medial surface is the aryepiglottic cord; laterally it is bounded by …

    Anatomy, Head and Neck, Laryngopharynx
      The pyriform sinuses, which play an essential role in speech, are two pear-shaped recesses located on either side of the laryngeal orifice. Medially to …

    Pyriform | definition of pyriform by Medical dictionary
      In adults, proposed routes of infection for AST include lymphatic or hematogenous spread, direct inoculation of the thyroid or surrounding anatomy, direct extension of an abscess, …

    Pyriform Aperture Stenosis | Children's …
      Pyriform aperture stenosis (PAS) is a very rare birth defect where the front opening of the nose is narrow due to an overgrowth in the upper jaw bone. PAS is sometimes …

    Pyriform Sinus - Medical Dictionary
      Learn about Pyriform Sinus at x. MegaLexica. Medical Dictionary Online. computer dictionary of information technology law dictionary legal …

    What is pyriform sinus? Explained by Sharing Culture
      Medical Definition of piriform recess: a small cavity or pocket between the lateral walls of the pharynx on each side and the upper part of the larynx. Where is …

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