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New class of versatile, high-performance …
    March 25, 2021 New class of versatile, high-performance quantum dots primed for medical imaging, quantum computing by Los Alamos National Laboratory …

Quantum dots in biomedical applications - PubMed
    Quantum dots in biomedical applications. Semiconducting nanoparticles, more commonly known as quantum dots, possess unique size and shape dependent optoelectronic …

Quantum dots in imaging, drug delivery and sensor …
    Quantum dots (QDs), also known as nanoscale semiconductor crystals, are nanoparticles with unique optical and electronic properties such as bright and intensive …

Nanoparticles open new window for …
    The quantum dots the team produced are so bright that their emissions can be captured with very short exposure times, he says. This makes it possible to …

Les Quantums Dots - La Nanotechnologie …
    Les Quantums Dots. Leur petitesse dépasse presque l'entendement, leur comportement étonne et ils se révèlent d’une polyvalence extraordinaire : les Quantum Dots, ou …

Quantum Dots in Biology and Medicine -
    Applications for in vivo use of semiconductor quantum dots are imaging of tumor vasculature, imaging of tumor-specific membrane antigens, as well as imaging of …

Quantum Dots: A Quantum Jump for …
    In such fields as genetics, biochemistry, and molecular biology, visible fluorescent protein constructs provide researchers with a tool of enormous value that has …

Medical Imaging with Filters and Quantum …
    Supplementary technical images for Medical Imaging with Filters and Quantum Dots appearing in the February issue of Spectroscopy Magazine's The Application Notebook. …

Use of quantum dots for live cell imaging | Nature Methods
    Quantum dots (QDs; e.g., Quantum Dot Corporation or Evident Technology) Cells or tissue for labeling, prepared appropriately depending on the application (QDs can be …

New class of versatile, high-performance quantum dots …
    A new class of quantum dots deliver a stable stream of single, spectrally tunable infrared photons under ambient conditions and at room temperature, unlike other …

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