At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Quinine Uses Medical. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Quinine Uses, Side Effects & Warnings -
    Quinine is used to treat uncomplicated malaria, a disease caused by parasites. Parasites that cause malaria typically enter the body through the bite of a mosquito. Malaria is common in areas such as Africa, South America, and Southern Asia. …

Quinine Oral: Uses, Side Effects, …
    Generic Name(S): quinine sulfate View Free Coupon Uses Side Effects Precautions Interactions Overdose Images Reviews (62) Warnings: The US Food and Drug …

Quinine | Uses, Actions, & Side Effects | Britannica
    During the 300 years between its introduction into Western medicine and World War I, quinine was the only effective remedy for malaria; as a specific treatment …

Quinine (Oral Route) Description and Brand Names
    Quinine is used to treat malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum. Plasmodium falciparum is a parasite that gets into the red blood cells in the body and …

Quinine: MedlinePlus Drug Information
    Quinine is used alone or with other medications to treat malaria (a serious or life-threatening illness that is spread by mosquitos in certain parts of the world). Quinine …

Quinine Uses, Benefits & Dosage - Herbal …
    Use. Quinine has been used for the treatment of malaria and associated febrile states, leg cramps caused by vascular spasm, internal hemorrhoids, varicose veins, and …

What to know about quinine in tonic water
    The quinine in tonic water helps give it a bitter taste. People should not mistake tonic water for a healthful drink, as it may contain sugar and provides no …

Quinine - Wikipedia
    Uses Medical. As of 2006, quinine is no longer recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a first-line treatment for malaria, because there are other …

Health benefits of quinine
    Quinine is an effective muscle relaxant and can be mixed with medicine for a cramps treatment of muscle injuries. It has properties to reduce the symptoms of …

Quinine in Tonic Water: Safety, Benefits, …
    Quinine Benefits/Uses What does quinine do to the body? Historically, quinine benefits and uses have included: Helping treat malaria, a serious illness that …

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