At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Radix Linguae Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.
Radix linguae | definition of Radix linguae by Medical …
- The portion of the tongue directed posteriorly and superiorly, which lies behind the sulcus terminalis and attaches into the hyoid bone. Surgical anatomy. An area defined by the American Joint Committee on Cancer as extending from the line of the …
Radix linguae [TA] | definition of radix linguae [TA] by …
- The portion of the tongue directed posteriorly and superiorly, which lies behind the sulcus terminalis and attaches into the hyoid bone. Surgical anatomy. An area defined by the …
Radix | definition of radix by Medical dictionary
- 1. the descending and subterranean part of a plant. 2. that portion of an organ, such as a tooth, hair, or nail, that is buried in the tissues, or by which it arises from another …
What is the definition of Radix linguae? |
- Radix linguae - Root of the tongue, the posterior attached portion of the tongue.
Radix mesenterii | definition of radix mesenterii by …
- (redirected from radix mesenterii) root of mes·en·tery [TA] the origin of the mesentery of the small intestine (jejunum and ileum) from the posterior parietal peritoneum; about 9 inches …
Radix pulmonis | definition of radix pulmonis by Medical …
- Radix pulmonis | definition of radix pulmonis by Medical dictionary root of lung (redirected from radix pulmonis) root of lung [TA] all the structures entering or leaving the lung at the …
Radix Definition Medical | Day of Difference
- Radix linguae | definition of Radix linguae by Medical dictionary. the posterior attached portion of the …
Root of tongue - vet-Anatomy - IMAIOS
- Radix linguae Definition There is no definition for this structure yet Suggest a definition Anatomical hierarchy Veterinary anatomy Splanchnology > Digestive system > Oral …
What is the definition of Radix linguae? |
- Radix linguae - Root of the tongue, the posterior attached portion of the tongue. RADIX LINGUAE \ɹˈe͡ɪdɪks lˈɪŋɡjuːˌiː], \ɹˈeɪdɪks lˈɪŋɡjuːˌiː], \ɹ_ˈeɪ_d_ɪ_k_s …
Radix linguae | AnatomyTOOL
- Radix linguae definition. To be filled in. Terms Root of tongue Tongue root Racine de la langue Wurzel der Zunge Raíz de la lengüeta Tongwortel Radix linguae introductory …
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