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Raytheon Retirees Garner $59M Settlement Over Outdated …
    A $59 million settlement has been reached to end claims that Raytheon Co. used outdated mortality rates to calculate pensions and shortchange retirees. Lead plaintiff, Johnny Cruz, claimed in a class action lawsuit filed 2019 that defense contractor …

Lawyers for Raytheon Retirees Get Fees Trimmed in …
    The lawyers who sued Raytheon Co. over its pension calculations in Boston federal court and obtained a class settlement of nearly $60 million will get about $5.5 …

Raytheon Inks First Class Deal in Outdated Pension Data Lawsuits
    Raytheon Co. will boost the monthly pensions of more than 10,000 retirees and their surviving spouses, ending a class challenge to its pension calculations in a …

Three senior executives leave Raytheon, company involved in …
    The investigation has triggered a series of civil lawsuits from workers who allege their opportunities to advance in the industry and secure higher pay were …

Raytheon is ordered to restore health aid - Arizona Daily …
    The ruling, in U.S. District Court for Arizona, was called on Thursday a "major victory for Raytheon retirees" by the International Association of Machinists Local 933, …

Raytheon, Retirement Plan Administrator Hit with ERISA …
    Raytheon has agreed to pay $59.17 million to settle the proposed class action detailed on this page. According to the plaintiff’s 50-page memo in support of Raytheon’s …

The Association of Raytheon Retirees
    Serving Raytheon Retirees We are an independent Group of retired employees who have joined together to improve the conditions of our fellow retirees. Join Today Our goal is to …

Cruz v. Raytheon Co., No. 19-cv-11425 (D. Mass.)
    Raytheon Co., No. 19-cv-11425 (D. Mass.) The purpose of this website is to inform certain participants, beneficiaries, and surviving spouses receiving benefits under …

Raytheon sued over mortality tables used to calculate …
    Mr. Cruz, whose complaint seeks class-action status, retired in 2015 at age 55, is a participant in the $1.2 billion Raytheon Co. Pension Plan for Hourly Employees, …

Lawsuit Accuses Raytheon of Violating Rehires’ Benefits Rights
    A former participant in the Raytheon Bargaining Retirement Plan and predecessor plans has filed a lawsuit claiming he and other rehires of the company that …

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