At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Recreational Dive Medical Perth. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Dive Medical Fitness Assessment For Divers - Australian …
    The Dive Medical focuses principally on cardiac, pulmonary and neurological conditions, and general health issues, that may put a diver at increased risk for decompression …

Diving Medicals - Company Medical Services
    Recreational and Occupational Diving. Scuba diving can involve an element of risk and some medical conditions can increase the level of risk whilst underwater. Under the …

Diving Medicals | SmartClinics Medical Centres
    There are two types of Diving Medicals Examinations – Recreational and Commercial. Both take approximately 45 minutes and cost approximately $132 – $176 depending on …

Dive Medical - CSMC
    Dive Medical Examination. The Dive Medical is only to be conducted by a physician who has had the approved training to medically examine recreational divers. The Dive …

Dive Medicals | Recreational AS4005.1 - Dr John Kenafake
    Diving Medicals can only to be conducted by a Doctor who has had the approved training to medically examine recreational and occupational divers. Dr John Kenafake has been …

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