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Regimen Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    Synonyms of regimen. 1. a. : a systematic plan (as of diet, therapy, or medication) especially when designed to improve and maintain the health of a patient. b. : a regular course of action and especially of strenuous training. the daily regimen of athletes.

Regiment Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    regimented; regimenting; regiments transitive verb 1 a : to organize rigidly especially for the sake of regulation or control regiment an entire country b : to subject to order or …

Regimen | definition of regimen by Medical dictionary
    reg·i·men. ( rej'i-mĕn) A program, including pharmacotherapy, which regulates aspects of one's lifestyle for a hygienic or therapeutic purpose; a program of treatment. [L. …

Regiment Definition & Meaning |
    regiment noun (ˈrɛdʒɪmənt) a military formation varying in size from a battalion to a number of battalions a large number in regular or organized groups regiments of beer bottles verb …

Regime, Regimen, and Regiment: …
    The noun regiment (pronounced "redge-uh-ment") primarily refers to a military unit or any large group of people. …

Regiment - definition of regiment by The Free Dictionary
    reg•i•ment (n. ˈrɛdʒ ə mənt; v. -ˌmɛnt) n. 1. a military unit of ground forces, consisting of two or more battalions, a headquarters unit, and supporting units. 2. Obs. government. v.t. 3. …

Medical Definition of Regimen - MedicineNet
    Medical Definition of Regimen. Medical Editor: Melissa Conrad Stöppler, MD. Reviewed on 3/29/2021. Regimen: A plan or a regulated course, such as a diet, …

How to Use Regimen vs regiment Correctly
    Regimen is a noun. The word regiment, when used as a noun, refers to an army unit that usually involves two battalions. Regiments may be further divided into companies, …

U.S. Army Units Explained: From Squads …
    Commanders of brigades or regiments are one-star brigadier generals or colonels. Brigade in Vietnam Paratrooper from the 101st Airborne Brigade applying mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to …

Regiment | Definition, Size, & Facts
    regiment, in most armies, a body of troops headed by a colonel and organized for tactical control into companies, battalions, or squadrons. French cavalry units were called regiments as early as 1558.

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