At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Requisition Definition Medical. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Requisition | definition of requisition by Medical dictionary
    Requisition | definition of requisition by Medical dictionary requisition Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Legal, Acronyms, Idioms, Encyclopedia . requisition (re″kwĭ-zish′ŏn) [L. requisitio, a searching] An order for a specific laboratory service or test, e.g., …

Requisition Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    a : the act of requiring something to be furnished b : a demand or application made usually with authority: such as (1) : a demand made by military authorities upon civilians for …

Requisition - definition of requisition by The Free Dictionary
    n. 1. the act of requiring or demanding something. 2. a demand made. 3. a formal or official demand. 4. a written request for something, as supplies. 5. the form on which such …

Requisition Definition & Meaning |
    the act of requiring or demanding. a demand made. an authoritative or formal demand for something to be done, given, supplied, etc.: The general issued a requisition to the …

Requisition slip | definition of requisition slip by Medical …
    Requisition slip | definition of requisition slip by Medical dictionary TheFreeDictionary requisition slip requisition slip (re″kwĭ-zi′shŏn) [L. requirere, to seek] A form for ordering …

Requisition form | definition of requisition form by Medical …
    Requisition form | definition of requisition form by Medical dictionary requisition form Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus. requisition form Lab slip Lab medicine A form …

What Is a Requisition, and How Does It Work?
    A requisition refers to the process of formally requesting a service or item, typically using a purchase requisition form or another standardized document. The requisition process is a...

29 Synonyms of REQUISITION | Merriam-Webster …
    Synonyms of requisition requisition 1 of 2 noun Definition of requisition as in request something that someone insists upon having a brand-new, top-notch computer was the …

What Does a Job Requisition Mean? Definition, Tips and …
    Typically, the word “requisition” means a written demand or request. Therefore, a job requisition is the formal documentation used to request a new hire, and typically involves a form that the hiring manager fills out to …

Requisition legal definition of Requisition
    Requisition A written demand; a formal request or requirement. The formal demand by one government upon another, or by the governor of one state upon the governor of another …

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