At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Resembling Bone Medical Term. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Myeloid | definition of myeloid by Medical dictionary
    1. Pertaining to, derived from, or manifesting certain features of the bone marrow. 2. Sometimes used with reference to the spinal cord. 3. Pertaining to certain characteristics of myelocytic forms, but not necessarily implying origin in the bone marrow. [myel- + -oid] …

Medical Terminology: Chapter 10 Flashcards | Quizlet
    Medical Terminology: Chapter 10. Flashcards. Learn. Test. Match. Flashcards. Learn. Test. Match. Created by. ... Build a medical word that means resembling bone marrow. …

Osseous | definition of osseous by Medical dictionary
    Composed of, containing, or resembling bone; bony. os′se·ous·ly adv. The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. …

Appendix A: Word Parts and What They Mean
    resembling: orth-, ortho-straight, normal, correct-osis: condition, usually …

Bone Medical Terms (prefixes, roots, and suffixes) | Web …
    1. Vertebr.. -- Select -- Arm Bone Cartilage Correct Foramen Foot -- ankle …

Ch 10 Mid term Flashcards | Quizlet
    Build a medical word that means resembling bone marrow suprasternal Build a medical word that means pertaining to abore the sternum sternoid Build a medical word that …

What medical term means resembling bone marrow? – Sage …
    What medical term means resembling bone marrow? myeloid. resembling bone marrow. suprasternal. pertaining to above the sternum. What is the term of bone …

Medical term for resembling the breast bone? - Answers
    Sternoid is the medical term meaning resembling the breastbone. What is the medical term meaning resembling fat? Lipoid means resembling fat. What is the …

What is the medical term meaning like or resembling bone?
    Resembling has the same meaning in medical terminology as in lay language: looking like. What is the definition of -oid? a suffix meaning "like or …

Basic Medical Terminology Quiz (40 Questions) - Quizterra
    What term is most commonly used for something resembling bone? Ostealgia. Osteoporo. Agnosia. Osseous. What is the term used my medical professionals when a person loses …

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