At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Reservoir Definition Medicale. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Reservoir Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    reservoir noun res· er· voir ˈrez-ə (r)v-ˌwär -ə (r)v-ˌ (w)ȯr 1 : a space (as an enlargement of a vessel or the cavity of a glandular acinus) in which a body fluid is stored 2 a : a host organism in which an infectious agent (as a bacterium or virus) that is pathogenic for …

Reservoir | definition of reservoir by Medical dictionary
    reservoir (rĕz′ər-vwär′, -vwôr′, -vôr′) n. 1. A natural or artificial pond or lake used for the storage and regulation of water. 2. A receptacle or chamber for storing a fluid. 3. Anatomy …

Réservoir | definition of Réservoir by Medical dictionary
    reservoir (rĕz′ər-vwär′, -vwôr′, -vôr′) n. 1. A natural or artificial pond or lake used for the storage and regulation of water. 2. A receptacle or chamber for storing a fluid. 3. Anatomy …

Medical Definition of Reservoir
    Reservoir: 1. A place where something such as water is kept in reserve. 2. The part of a device in which something is kept in reserve or stored, as an Ommaya …

Reservoir Definition & Meaning |
    reservoir [ rĕz ′ər-vwär′ ] A natural or artificial pond or lake used for the storage of water. An underground mass of rock or sediment that is porous and permeable enough to allow oil …

Principles of Epidemiology | Lesson 1 - Section 10

    Reservoir - definition of reservoir by The Free Dictionary
      1. A natural or artificial pond or lake used for the storage and regulation of water. 2. A receptacle or chamber for storing a fluid. 3. An underground accumulation of petroleum or …

    Medical Definition of Reservoir of infection - MedicineNet
      Reservoir of infection: Any person, animal, plant, soil or substance in which an infectious agent normally lives and multiplies. The reservoir typically …

    Medical Definition of Reservoir - RxList
      Reservoir: 1. A place where something such as water is kept in reserve. 2. The part of a device in which something is kept in reserve or stored, as an Ommaya …

    26 Synonyms of RESERVOIR | Merriam-Webster …
      reservoir noun Definition of reservoir as in supply the number of individuals or amount of something available at any given time the area boasts a large reservoir of college …

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