At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Resolution Health Medical Aid Scheme. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Resolution Health Medical Aid
    Resolution Health Medical Aid was established in 1998 as Commercial Union Health and operated in partnership with Agility Global Health Solutions, ... Agility Health is a subsidiary of Agility Holdings and one of the ten largest open medical scheme administrators in the …

Resolution Health - Foundation Medical Aid Plan
    Find out everything you need to know about Resolution Health Foundation medical aid plan, including information on cover, ... Subject to scheme protocols and PMBs. 2x2D …

Resolution Health Medical Aid
    Members manage these expenses with a medical savings account. The plan also includes unlimited hospital cover. Resolution Health medical aid believes that plans should be …

Resolution Health - Medical Aids In South Africa
    There are 7 plans that Resolution offers, Foundation, Hospital, Progressive Flex, Progressive Flex Plus, Millenium Select, Millennium and Supreme. ... Specialist fees are …

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