At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Retropulsion Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Retropulsion Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster …
    ret· ro· pul· sion -ˈpəl-shən : a disorder of locomotion associated especially with Parkinson's disease that is marked by a tendency to walk backwards Dictionary Entries Near retropulsion retropubic space retropulsion retrorectal See More Nearby Entries Cite …

Retropulsion | definition of retropulsion by Medical …
    ret·ro·pul·sion. ( ret'rō-pŭl'shŭn ), 1. An involuntary backward walking or running, occurring in patients with the parkinsonian syndrome. 2. A pushing back of any part. …

Physical Therapy Tips to manage retropulsion
    Retropulsion is a big contributor to falls in Parkinson’s disease. Retropulsion can contribute to losing your balance backwards when you rise from a chair, walk backwards, …

Retropulsed fragment | Radiology …
    A retropulsed fragment is any vertebral fracture fragment that is displaced into the spinal canal, thereby potentially causing spinal cord injury. They usually arise from …

Retropulsion and Parkinson's - Davis Phinney Foundation
    A common diagnostic tool that neurologists use to evaluate postural instability is called the retropulsion test. Your doctor will stand behind you and give a …

What is fracture with Retropulsion? –
    A retropulsed fragment is any vertebral fracture fragment that is displaced into the spinal canal, thereby potentially causing spinal cord injury. They usually …

The Retropulsion Test: A Good Evaluation of …
    The retropulsion test is widely regarded as the gold standard to evaluate postural instability, and is there-fore a key component of the neurological examination in PD. A normal retropulsion test …, the wiki-based …, the wiki-based collaborative Radiology resource

Retroversion Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    1. : the bending backward of the uterus and cervix. 2. : the act or process of turning back or regressing. Word History. Etymology. Latin retroversusturned backward, from retro-+ …

Lateropulsion | definition of lateropulsion by Medical …
    TheFreeDictionary lateropulsion lat·er·o·pul·sion ( lat'ĕr-ō-pŭl'shŭn ), An involuntary movement of the body or turning of the gait toward one side; seen principally with …

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