At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Revolutionary War Medical Practices. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Medical Practice During the Revolution |
    Medical Practice during the Revolution. MEDICAL PRACTICE DURING THE REVOLUTION. On both sides in the American Revolution, many more soldiers died from disease than in combat, and many more died from wounds than were killed outright. The most …

Saving Soldiers: Medical Practice in the Revolutionary War
    Drawn principally from the Institute’s collections of rare books, manuscripts, portraits and artifacts, Saving Soldiers examines medical practice in the Continental Army and the …

Revolutionary Medicine - Museum of the American …
    In Jeanne E. Abrams' book, Revolutionary Medicine, we learn how Washington's efforts to prevent a smallpox outbreak amongst his troops early in the conflict …

Medicine in Colonial North America
    Examples include an early 18th-century book of remedies kept by Benjamin Wadsworth, eighth president of Harvard College, in which he recommended grated chocolate to stop …

History of Medicine — The Revolutionary War – …

    Changes in Medicine During the 19th Century
      The Civil War proved to be a catalyst in advancing 19th-century medicine. The four years were marked by hundreds of thousands of cases of battle …

    Medicine and Surgery During the …
      The common medicines that doctors used were mercury compounds, lavender spirits, and cream of tartar. Soldiers were vaccinated for smallpox. Surgeons …

    Revolutionary War Doctor, Part 1 (1775-1776) - Brian …
      In the ideal setting according to Pennsylvania Physician and Surgeon James Jackson, there should be 6 medical officers and 48 hired assistants. The 6 officers consisted of a …

    Health Care and the American Medical …
      On the eve of the Civil War there were 55,000 practicing physicians in the country and more than 16,000 of these physicians came to the colors (many others …

    College of William & Mary
      College of William & Mary

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