At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Ricin Medical Uses. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

CDC | Facts About Ricin - Centers for Disease Control …
    Where ricin is found and how it is used Castor beans are processed throughout the world to make castor oil. Ricin is part of the waste “mash” produced when... Ricin has been used experimentally in medicine to kill cancer cells.

Ricin - Wikipedia

    CDC | Questions and Answers About Ricin
      There are several tests used to detect ricin, including tests for environmental samples of suspicious materials, and for clinical specimens from human body fluids. …

    Castor Oil: 4 Benefits and Uses - Healthline

      Ricin poisoning - Mayo Clinic
        Ricin is a poison that can be made from the waste left over from processing castor beans. Castor beans are used to make castor oil. Ricin can potentially be used …

      Ricin - WebMD
        When to Seek Medical Care Ricin Treatment Next Steps Outlook For More Information Ricin Overview Ricin is a powerful poison that could be used as an agent of biological …

      Medical Uses – Beauty Treatments -
        Ricin contained in Ricinus communis will help to control the birth. It turns out that it has effects to in this benefit due to the presence of ricin in seeds of Ricinus …

      Ricin Poisoning - NYC Health - New York City
        Ricin has some medical uses, such as bone marrow transplants and cancer treatment (to kill cancer cells). Ricin may have been used as a chemical warfare agent in the Iran-Iraq …

      What are the Medical Uses of Ricin? - Smart Academic Writing
        Once researchers determine a way to modify the properties of ricin, it can be used to help fight cancer, as it is particularly effective at killing bad cells. It could also be …

      Review - Ricinus cmmunis - Ethnomedicinal uses and
        Its phytochemistry, biological and pharmacological activities, and ethnomedicinal uses have been reviewed in the present study. The reported chemical constituents showed the …

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