At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Sanitarium Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Sanitarium Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    1. : an establishment or facility offering usually long-term medical care or treatment: such as. a. : an establishment that provides therapy typically involving specific regimens (such as special diet, fresh air, or daily exercise) for treatment or rehabilitation.

Sanitarium | definition of sanitarium by Medical dictionary
    sanitarium. [ san″ĭ-ta´re-um] an institution for the promotion of health. The word was originally coined to designate the institution established by the Seventh Day Adventists at …

SANITARIUM | definition in the Cambridge English …
    sanitarium noun [ C ] us / ˌsæn·ɪˈteər·i·əm / (also sanatorium, us / ˌsæn·ɪˈtɔr·i·əm, -ˈtoʊr- /) ( esp. in the past) a type of hospital for people who needed long periods of rest and …

Sanitarium Definition & Meaning |
    noun, plural san·i·tar·i·ums, san·i·tar·i·a [san-i-tair-ee-uh]. an institution for the preservation or recovery of health, especially for convalescence; health resort. QUIZ …

Sanatorium - Wikipedia

    Sanitarium - definition of sanitarium by The Free Dictionary
      sanitarium an institution for the preservation or recovery of health; a convalescent hospital; a health resort Not to be confused with: sanatorium – a hospital for the treatment of …

    Sanatorium - definition of sanatorium by The Free …
      1. An institution for the treatment of chronic diseases or for medically supervised recuperation. 2. A resort for improvement or maintenance of health, especially for …

    Sanitarium - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms
      Sanitarium - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms | sanitarium Add to list Share In the past, someone who was recovering from a long-term illness might stay at a …

    Difference Between Sanitarium and Sanitorium
      “Sanitorium” and “sanatorium” refer to a medical facility which is specially run for patients who are suffering from long-term illnesses. These facilities were mainly …

    Sanitarium | Article about sanitarium by The Free Dictionary
      sanatorium ( US ), sanitarium 1. an institution for the medical care and recuperation of persons who are chronically ill 2. a health resort Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st …

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