At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Sarstedt Medical Uk. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Home - Sarstedt
    SARSTEDT introduces next-generation pipetting with the Sarpette ® M. Its user-friendly design, precise handling, and lightweight, durable construction set the benchmark for …

Diagnostic - Sarstedt
    We offer a wide range of sample collection systems for the most varied of sample materials (blood, saliva, urine, faeces). The S-Monovette ®, the first fully-plastic blood collection …

Tubes - Sarstedt
    Tubes. Different patient groups and collection techniques require different collection systems. With a nominal volume range from 100–600 µl, the capillary blood collection …

Laboratory automation - Sarstedt
    As a provider of system solutions, we have a broad product portfolio of compact devices and modular automation solutions for pre- and post-analytical processes in clinical and microbiological laboratories. Our …

Laboratory - Sarstedt
    We offer tailor-made product solutions for the most varied areas of use, including molecular biology, biochemistry and cell biology. The product quality is adapted to the application, …

    Alcohol and Drug testersAnalysis and diagnostic devices. Analysis Devices (15)Diagnostic self-test strips and devices (6)Professional diagnostic test strips and devices …

    SARSTEDT offers a comprehensive product range for transfusion medicine. Laboratory automation In the mid-1990s, SARSTEDT began developing laboratory automation …

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