At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Second Medical Use Patents. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Second medical uses at the EPO - Kilburn & Strode
    Where a substance or composition is already known for one medical use, it may still be patentable for a second or subsequent medical use, provided that use is novel and inventive (Art. 54(5) EPC). In the US and other territories, such uses may be protected by way of method of treatment patents. However, in Europe, methods o… See more

Second and subsequent medical use patent claims
    The original second medical use claims granted by the European Patent Office (EPO) from the mid-1980s until 2010 followed the format of ‘the use of a product …

Second medical use claims in pharmaceutical patents - IAM
    If second medical use patents are properly drafted and litigated correctly, they are unlikely to be toothless tigers and should certainly be worth the effort. The …

‘Importance of second medical use …
    The importance of second medical uses for the individual companies as well as for the overall system is of growing importance. Another factor is the increasing …

G‑VI, 7.1 First or further medical use of known products
    Where a substance or composition is already known to have been used in a "first medical use", it may still be patentable under Art. 54 (5) for any second or further use in a …

Second medical use patents verifying validity | Gowling …
    So, second medical use patents similar to any patent in the UK and, indeed, Europe subject to the statute in the UK, section 72. The Patents Act in Europe, article …

Second medical uses for existing drugs
    Patents spur R&D into second medical use. The drug raloxifene was initially developed by Eli Lilly for the treatment of oestrogen-dependent breast cancer but trials …

Clarifying the patentability of medical use inventions in …
    EPO’s views on medical use patents have evolved over the years. Historically, for the second medical use patent, since the above-mentioned exception in …

Second Medical Use Claims - Kashish Intellectual Property Group
    The second medical use patent may address the following concerns: The use of a known drug to treat a new disease (“Known drug/new disease”) In most patent claims, the …

A guide for second medical use claims in Brazil - IAM
    06 May 2020. Print article. One of the most common questions regarding patent protection in Brazil refers to whether there is a possibility of protecting second …

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