At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Shunt Medical Spanish. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

shunt - Spanish translation – Linguee
    Dictionary English-Spanish shunt noun (plural: shunts) derivación f (plural: derivaciones f) shunt sth. verb derivar algo v less common: desviar algo v Examples: shunt resistor n — …

shunt | English to Spanish | Medical (general) -
    Según Navarro (Diccionario crítico de dudas inglés-español de medicina), es esta la expresión correcta para dialysis shunt. No obstante, dice aún Navarro: "shunt" …

shunt - English-Spanish Dictionary -
    shunt [sth] ⇒ vtr (train: move to different track) cambiar de vía loc verb : The railroad workers shunted the engine to a side track. Los trabajadores del ferrocarril cambiaron de …

Shunt in Spanish | English to Spanish Translation
    transitive verb. 1 (Ferro) cambiar de vía; shuntar. 2. to shunt sb about enviar a algn de acá para allá; the form was shunted about between different departments la solicitud fue …

VP Shunt | English to Spanish | Medical (general)
    English to Spanish Medical (general) VP Shunt Spanish translation: shunt VP / shunt o válvula o derivación ventrículo-peritoneal GLOSSARY ENTRY (DERIVED …

149 Spanish Medical Terms for Medical Professionals
    It is essential to know as many of the top Spanish medical terms for nurses, doctors, & emergency/first responders in communities with Spanish speakers. Use these …

Shunt Procedure | Johns Hopkins Medicine in Baltimore, …
    What is a shunt? A shunt is a hollow tube surgically placed in the brain (or occasionally in the spine) to help drain cerebrospinal fluid and redirect it to another location in the body …

Heart Shunt: Types and Treatment - Cleveland Clinic
    A shunt is a passage by which blood moves from one area ( blood vessel or heart chamber) to another in a pattern that isn't normal. A cardiac shunt is a congenital heart defect, …

Neurological - Shunts | Medtronic
    Shunts Healthcare Professionals StrataMR II Adjustable Pressure Valve Designed for the treatment of hydrocephalus, the StrataMR™ II adjustable pressure valve offers simplicity, …

Shunt (medical) | definition of Shunt (medical) by Medical …
    [ shunt] 1. to turn to one side; to divert; to bypass. 2. a passage or anastomosis between two natural channels, especially between blood vessels. Such structures may be formed …

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