At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Sidra Medical Center Qatar. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Home | Sidra Medicine
    Sidra Medicine is a state-of-the-art tertiary hospital serving women and children in Qatar. In addition to providing world-class healthcare services, Sidra Medicine is also a renowned …

Getting to Sidra Medicine | Sidra Medicine - Sidra …
    Sidra Medicine is a state-of-the-art tertiary hospital serving women and children in Qatar. In addition to providing world-class healthcare services, Sidra Medicine is also a renowned …

Sidra Medical and Research Center - Wikipedia

    Contact | Sidra Medicine
      Sidra Medicine is a state-of-the-art tertiary hospital serving women and children in Qatar. In addition to providing world-class healthcare services, Sidra Medicine is also a renowned …

    Appointments & Referrals | Sidra Medicine
      Sidra Medicine is a state-of-the-art tertiary hospital serving women and children in Qatar. In addition to providing world-class healthcare services, Sidra Medicine is also a renowned …

    Sidra Medicine Ranked in the World’s Top 101-250 …
      In a first-of-its-kind research survey, by Brand Finance, five hospitals from Qatar have been ranked in the world’s top 250 Academic Medical Centers (AMC); …

    Basic Life Support (BLS) - February 22, 2023 - Sidra Medicine ...
      Sidra Medicine, Basic Life Support (BLS) - February 22, 2023, 2/22/2023 7:00:00 AM - 2/22/2023 12:00:00 PM, The AHA BLS is a 4.50 hour simulation for one day.

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