At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Singapore Biomedical Industry 2011. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Singapore’s biomedical cluster: Lessons from two …
    As of 2019, the biomedical manufacturing sector represents 20% of total manufacturing value added (S$19.57bn, or £11.14bn), equivalent to 4% of Singapore’s GDP. From 2000 to …

Pharmaceutical industry in Singapore - statistics & facts
    Value added by the pharmaceutical industry in Singapore from 2012 to 2021 (in billion Singapore dollars) Premium Statistic Expected value added biomedical …

Health and Biomedical | Industry Profile
    Industry Profile. Singapore has a growing biomedical sciences industry, with the biomedical sciences manufacturing sector being an important fourth pillar of the manufacturing economy. In 2016, the …

Output value of pharmaceutical and …
    Singapore is a leading center of biomedical sciences ... FDI stock for pharmaceutical and biological products Singapore 2011-2020 ... Number of employees in the pharmaceutical industry …

Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology | Singapore EDB
    In 2016, the sector produced more than S$16 billion worth of products for global markets 1. >6,000. people in the skilled workforce employed in the biopharmaceutical sector 2, more …

Growing Singapore's biomedical R&D - KPMG Singapore
    SINGAPORE has a come a long way in building a vibrant research and development (R&D) landscape for the biomedical sector. In the last 15 years, we have …

Biomedical Sciences Continues Strong Growth in …
    Major biomedical clusters in Singapore continue to grow: There are currently a few biomedical clusters located across several parts of Singapore, with different …

Biomedical and Pharmaceuticals industry | MOE - Base
    Biomedical and Pharmaceuticals. Focused on developing a vibrant biomedical sciences research ecosystem, Singapore has built up a strong scientific …

Singapore - Healthcare - International Trade Administration
    According to the Ministry of Health, the Singapore National Health Expenditure could increase to $43 billion in 2030. Healthcare spending, comprising both …

Singapore dazzles as a world leader in medical …
    From contact-lens production lines to medical instruments, Singapore’s MedTech manufacturing output reached over S$15 billion in 2020. Asia-Pacific’s medical …

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