At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Situated Outside The Liver Medical Term. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Anatomical Terms of Location - Anterior - Posterior
    The terms proximal and distal are used in structures that are considered to have a beginning and an end (such as the upper limb, lower limb and blood vessels). They describe the position of a structure with reference to its origin – proximal means closer to …

Medical Terminology for Regions of the Body - dummies
    The thoracic or dorsal region (abbreviation T or D) is located in the chest region. There are 12 thoracic or dorsal vertebrae, T1 to T12, or D1 to D12. Each bone in …

Anatomical Directional Terms and Body Planes
    For example, the prefix (para-) means near or within. The parathyroid glands are located on the posterior side of the thyroid. The …

Medical terminology ch. 2 Flashcards | Quizlet
    neck of the body/ neck of the uterus. chondr/o. cartilage. coccyg/o. Tail bone. epitheli/o. skin, surface tissue. esophag/o. esophagus ( tube from the throat to the stomach)

What is the medical term meaning outside the liver? - Answers
    Hepatoma or Hepatocellular carcinoma is the medical term for liver tumor. What is medical term meaning inflammation around the liver? Perihepatitis means an …

Medical Prefixes to Indicate Front, Behind, Above, Below …
    These terms 'mean behind the peritoneum' and 'behind the liver' respectively since peritoneal means pertaining to the peritoneum and hepatic means pertaining to the liver. Post- is used in...

Medical Terminology Test 1 Flashcards | Quizlet
    Gatrectomy mean Gastric resection. Gastr/o - stomach ectomy- resection What are exocrine glands Glands that secrete chemical to the outside of the body Ex) Mammary Gland …

Medical Terminology for the Outside of Your Body
    Medical Terminology for the Outside of Your Body By: Beverley Henderson and Jennifer L. Dorsey Updated: 03-26-2016 Medical Terminology For Dummies Explore …

Medical Terms - American Liver Foundation
    Cholestasis is a liver disease. It occurs when the flow of bile from your liver is reduced or blocked. Bile is […] Read More Cholesterol Cholesterol is a type of fat found in blood. …

Glossary Of Liver Terms | Children's Liver Disease …
    Gallstones – the stones which can be formed by bile and collect in the gall bladder and bile ducts. They can cause pain and may pass into the common bile duct and cause …

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