At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Sleepiness In Medical Residents. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Epworth sleepiness scale in medical residents: quality of …
    The residents’ poor sleep quality is associated with increased body mass index (BMI), poorer lipid profile, poor quality of food consumed, and increase in waist circumference [ 11 ]. The nature of this poor sleep may also affect the residents …

Sleepiness in medical residents: impact of mandated …
    Objectives: To assess the sleepiness among Family Practice residents using subjective data, the Epworth sleepiness scale (ESS), as well as objective assessment, the multiple …

Epworth sleepiness scale in medical residents: quality of …
    Daytime sleepiness and improvement of quality of life require health promotion actions among medical residents. Therefore, there is a definite need to …

Sleepiness in Medical ICU Residents - CHEST
    On the post-call day, 14 residents (70%) had an MSL of < 5 min, suggesting severe sleepiness, compared to 6 residents (30%) on the on-call day. Conclusion Our …

Sleep deprivation and drowsiness of medical residents …
    Sleep deprivation and drowsiness of medical residents and medical students Rev Col Bras Cir. 2016 Dec;43 (6):438-444. doi: 10.1590/0100-69912016006005. [Article in …

Residents are sleep deprived. So what’s …
    As a medical student and soon-to-be gynecology and obstetrics resident at the University of Chicago Medicine, Pascoe has learned to put sleep before most other things in her life. That …

Sleep and Alertness in Medical Interns and Residents: …
    Naps between 9 am and 6 pm on the first day post-call were frequent (90.8%) and averaged 2.84 hours (95% CI 2.69-3.00 hours), but interns still slept 1.66 hours less …

Epworth sleepiness scale in medical residents: quality of …
    Epworth sleepiness scale in medical residents: quality of sleep and its relationship to quality of life 1 1Department of Medicine, College of Medicine and Health …

Sleepiness in medical ICU residents - PubMed
    Background and methods: Sleepiness in medical residents has crucial implications for the safety of both patients and residents. Measures to improve this have primarily included …

Sleepiness in medical residents: Impact of mandated
    Sleepiness continues to be a significant issue among medical residents despite recently mandated reductions in resident work hours. MSLT values in the …

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