At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Smiths Medical Gum Elastic Bougie. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Introducers, Stylets and Guides - US English - Smiths Medical
    ICU Medical has manufactured the reusable tracheal tube introducer, known as the gum elastic bougie, for over 30 years. The Portex Single Use Bougie offers several simple …

Introducers, Stylets and Guides - Smiths Medical
    Smiths Medical has manufactured the reusable tracheal tube introducer, known as the gum elastic bougie, for over 30 years. This product has been accepted as the gold standard …

Tracheal Tube Introducers and Guides - Smiths Medical
    The Introducer (coude/angled tip) is designed to assist with tube placement during difficult intubations. It is most commonly known as a Bougie. The Guide (straight tip) is designed to assist in tracheal tube …

Smiths Medical Tracheal Tube Introducer (Bougie)
    Smiths Medical Tracheal Tube Introducer (Bougie) Brand: Smiths Medical ASD, Inc. Professional Healthcare For tubes 6.0 mm – …

Introducers, Stylets and Guides Brochure - UK English - Smiths …
    ICU Medical has manufactured the reusable tracheal tube introducer, known as the gum elastic bougie, for over 30 years. The Portex ® Single Use Bougie offers several simple …

Smiths Medical
    Smiths Medical

Introducers, Stylets and Guides Brochure - Australian
    ICU Medical has manufactured the reusable tracheal tube introducer, known as the gum elastic bougie, for over 30 years. The Portex ® Single Use Bougie offers several simple …

Product Resource Library - Smiths Medical
    Smiths Medical is now part of ICU Medical, Inc. Product(s) described may not be licensed or available for sale in all countries. BCI, CADD, Deltec, Graseby, Jelco, Level 1, Medex, …

The Bougie as an Airway Savior - ACEP Now
    The term “gum elastic bougie” is actually somewhat of a misnomer; the most common form of the bougie as we know it was introduced in 1973 as the Eschmann tracheal tube introducer, and it is …

Single-Use Bougie assists difficult intubations. - ThomasNet
    Smiths Medical is a clinically-focused global leader in the design, manufacture, and distribution of medical devices used for a variety of therapeutic, …

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