At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Smiths Medical Thera-Heat. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Temperature Management - Patient Warming Devices | ICU Medical
    Temperature Management Products. Keeping patients at a normal body temperature is crucial to improving patient care. Research has shown that even a slight drop in body …

Electronic humidifier / warming Thera-Heat® Smiths Medical
    The Thera-Heat Heated Humidification System is designed to warm and humidify breathing gases for ventilated patients. The Thera-Heat allows caregivers to adjust temperature, …

Smiths Medical
    We design and make a complete line of safe, reliable products for use across the continuum of care. We help patients and caregivers forge the human and emotional …

smLths medLcaL
    The Smiths Medical Thera-HeatTM Heated Humidifier device is intended for use in hospitals and alternate sites by medically trained healthcare providers. Inspiratory …

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