At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Sono Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Ultrasound - Mayo Clinic
    Diagnostic ultrasound, also called sonography or diagnostic medical sonography, is an imaging method that uses sound waves to produce images of structures within your body. The images can provide valuable information for diagnosing and directing treatment for a variety of diseases and conditions. Most … See more

Sonography: How a Sonogram Test Works …
    A sonogram is most commonly used to monitor the development of the uterus and fetus during …

Ultrasound: MedlinePlus Medical Test
    An ultrasound is an imaging test that uses sound waves to create a picture (also known as a sonogram) of organs, tissues, and other structures inside the body. Unlike x-rays, …

Sonogram vs. Ultrasound - Healthline
    An ultrasound is a tool used to take a picture. A sonogram is the picture that the ultrasound generates. Sonography is the use of an ultrasound tool for diagnostic …

What is Sonography - University of Findlay
    Sonography is a diagnostic medical procedure that uses high-frequency sound waves (ultrasound) to produce dynamic visual images of organs, tissues or blood flow …

Sono- | definition of sono- by Medical dictionary
    Sono; sono-Sono-Guided Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy; sono-mama; Sonobouy; Sonobouy; Sonobouy Processing System; sonobuoy; sonobuoy; Sonobuoy Acoustic …

Sonography | definition of sonography by Medical dictionary
    The location, measurement, or delineation of deep structures by measuring the reflection or transmission of high frequency or ultrasonic waves. Computer …

Sonohysterography - Ultrasound of the …
    Ultrasound imaging is a noninvasive medical test that helps physicians diagnose and treat medical conditions. It produces pictures of the inside of the body using sound …

SONO Medical Abbreviation Meaning - All Acronyms
    SONO Medical Abbreviation Meaning SONO Medical Abbreviation What is SONO meaning in Medical? 3 meanings of SONO abbreviation related to Medical: Medical Sort Suggest …

Sono- - definition of sono- by The Free Dictionary
    Sono- - definition of sono- by The Free Dictionary sono- Also found in: Medical . sono- pref. Sound: sonobuoy. [From Latin sonus, sound; see sonic .] American Heritage® …

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