At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Spanish English Medical Translation Dictionary. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

English-Spanish Medical Dictionary
    English-Spanish Medical Dictionary. Use this English to Spanish medical dictionary to find medical Spanish translations. Each medical Spanish term includes audio.

Translation of medical – English-Spanish dictionary
    Translation of medical | GLOBAL English–Spanish Dictionary medical adjective / ˈmɛdɪkəl/ relating to medicine médico/ca [ masculine-feminine, singular ] a medical …

Spanish-English English-Spanish Medical Dictionary
    This English / Spanish Medical Dictionary is part of 123TeachMe's Medical Spanish section which includes vocabulary, tips on grammar and pronunciation, phrases for …

Medical in Spanish | English to Spanish Translation
    medical Noun 1. (physical examination) a. el reconocimiento or examen médico (M) to pass/fail a medical pasar/no pasar un reconocimiento médico adjective 2. (record, …

Spanish Medical Terminology for Interpreters Working in …
    Stat Spanish™ is an efficient translation resource, not an english-spanish dictionary, it includes the context-oriented, commonly used, words and phrases needed in the medical office and hospital …

149 Spanish Medical Terms for Medical Professionals
    ENGLISH TERMS SPANISH TERMS; to bang your head: golpearse la cabeza: to bleed / bleeding: sangrar / hemorragia: to break a bone: romperse un hueso: …

10 Reliable Online Medical Dictionaries in Spanish
    2. Medical Spanish. This is one of the best free medical Spanish resources you’ll come across. When I wrote Your Ultimate Guide to Illnesses and Conditions in Spanish, I used this site as a reference to …

medical translation in Spanish | English-Spanish …
    medical. a adj. [care, facilities, staff, treatment] médico. [records] médico, clínico. [student] de medicina. [problems] de salud. → to seek medical advice consultar a un médico. → …

Medical terms | Spanish Translator
    Medical terms | Spanish Translator medical terms Translation términos médicos Play Copy Swap Proofread Translated by Show more translations Word-by-word Examples …

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