At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Spleen Definition Medical. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.
Spleen Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
- spleen: [noun] a highly vascular ductless organ that is located in the left abdominal region near the stomach or intestine of most vertebrates and is concerned with final destruction of red blood cells, filtration and storage of blood, and production of lymphocytes.
Spleen: Spleen Function, Enlarged Spleen, What Does …
- The spleen is a small organ inside your left rib cage, just above the stomach. It’s part of the lymphatic system (which is part of the immune system). The spleen stores and filters …
Spleen | definition of spleen by Medical dictionary
- spleen: [ splēn ] a large glandlike but ductless organ in the upper part of the abdominal cavity on the left side, lateral to the cardiac end of the stomach. Called also lien . adj., adj …
Enlarged spleen (splenomegaly) - Symptoms and causes
The spleen: Anatomy, function, and …
- The spleen is a small organ at the top of the abdomen. It filters the blood and helps defend the body against pathogens. In …
Spleen Definition & Meaning |
- Spleen definition, a highly vascular, glandular, ductless organ, situated in humans at the cardiac end of the stomach, serving chiefly in the formation of mature lymphocytes, in the …
The Spleen: What Does It Do, Location, Pain, and More
- The spleen is part of your body’s lymphatic system. The lymphatic system helps remove cellular waste, maintain fluid balance, and make and activate infection …
Enlarged Spleen: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments
- Leukemia, a cancer in which white blood cells displace normal blood cells. Lymphoma, a cancer of lymph tissue, such as Hodgkin's disease. Other causes of an …
Spleen - definition of spleen by The Free Dictionary
- spleen. ( spliːn) n. 1. (Anatomy) a spongy, highly vascular organ situated near the stomach in man. It forms lymphocytes, produces antibodies, aids in destroying worn-out red blood …
Medical Definition of Spleen - MedicineNet
- Medical Definition of Spleen. Spleen: An organ that is located in the upper-left part of the abdomen, not far from the stomach, that produces lymphocytes, which are …
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