At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Sterimed Medical. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

SPS Medical - STERIMED - Packaging Solutions …
    SPS Medical manufacturing site located in France, has the largest converting capacity in Europe for medical pouches. We are present in more than 50 countries worldwide. Having become the world leader in the sterilization packaging market, SPS medical is now considered as an essential partner in all aspects of in-hospital sterilization practices.

STERIMED - Packaging Solutions for Infection …
    Sterimed is the only player in the world of medial packaging which is able to manufacture multiple types of sterilizable materials, and convert them into ready to use roll stocks, pouches, header bags, sterilization wraps, and …

STERIMED Infection Control | LinkedIn
    With more than 1,100 employees over 3 continents, STERIMED is the world-leading manufacturer of renewable resource-based packaging materials for the medical device industry & patient care...

Global presence - STERIMED - Packaging Solutions …
    STERIMED around the world. Sales and industrial sites that are specialized in packaging for the healthcare market, as close as possible to our clients. More than 100 years of presence in France. Sites in the US, Mexico, …

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