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Stranding | definition of stranding by …
    strand. [ strand] a thread or fiber or a structure resembling one. antisense strand the strand of a double-stranded nucleic acid that is complementary to the sense strand; in DNA it is the template strand on which the mRNA is synthesized. sense strand the strand of a …

Perinephric Stranding on CT – Radiology In Plain English
    The stranding around the kidney is reactive to the blockage and has no significance by itself in many cases. Sometimes this can indicate a superimposed …

Strand Definition & Meaning - Merriam …
    transitive verb. 1. : to run, drive, or cause to drift onto a strand : run aground. 2. : to leave in a strange or an unfavorable place especially without funds or means to …

Fat stranding (summary) | Radiology …
    Summary pathophysiology relatively high sensitivity for intra-abdominal pathology many inflammatory processes will cause fat-stranding non-specific fat …

Strand | definition of strand by Medical dictionary
    strand [strand] a thread or fiber or a structure resembling one. antisense strandthe strand of a double-stranded nucleic acid that is complementary to the sense strand; in DNA it is …

Stranded | definition of stranded by Medical dictionary
    strand. [ strand] a thread or fiber or a structure resembling one. antisense strand the strand of a double-stranded nucleic acid that is complementary to the sense strand; in DNA it is …

Stranding — Cancer Survivors Network
    Stranding refers to scarring or stretching of tissue; usually in the case of cancer, around the site of the tumor. Most of the times, it's fine, but there are cases where this …

Straining | definition of straining by Medical dictionary
    strain [ strān] 1. to overexercise. 2. excessive effort or exercise. 3. an overstretching or overexertion of some part of the musculature. 4. to filter or separate. 5. a group of …

70 Synonyms & Antonyms of STRANDING | Merriam …
    stranding 2 of 2 verb present participle of strand 1 as in shipwrecking to cause irreparable damage to (a ship) by running aground or sinking the ghostly remains of ships that had …

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