At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Strange Medical Treatments Past. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

30 Strange Old-Timey Medical Treatments | Mental Floss
    Take Care of Heart Palpitations with a Vinegar-Soaked Rag For heart palpitations, Wesley's treatments included “drink a pint of cold water,” “apply outwardly a Rag dipt In vinegar,” and “be...

5 strange and sinister medical procedures from history

    21 Bizarre Medical Practices From Our Past | Bored Panda

      7 of the Most Outrageous Medical Treatments in History
        Snake Oil—Salesmen and Doctors. While today a “snake oil salesman” is …

      15 Most Bizarre Medical Treatments Ever - CBS News

        9 Terrifying Medical Treatments from 1900 and Their …

          3. Plombage Plombage was a risky early 20th century treatment for tuberculosis in which a surgeon would create a cavity in a patient’s lower lung and fill it …

        7 Unusual Ancient Medical Techniques - HISTORY

          While some accounts claimed the heavy metal treatment was successful in fighting off the infection, patients often died from liver and kidney damage caused by mercury poisoning. 4. Animal Dung...

        25 Strangest Medical Treatments In History - List25

          These are the 25 strangest medical treatments in history. 25 Moldy Bread wikipedia Used to disinfect cuts since the days of ancient Egypt there is some merit to this. As was eventually discovered, certain …

        11 Strange Medical Treatment Methods That Scared the …

          The strange medical treatments and techniques were adopted by scientists and worked for patients. However, in comparison to the modern world, the earlier practices were not …

        10 Terrible Ideas In Medicine From The Past 100 Years

          A popular medicine in the late 1800s to early 1900s was “Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup,” a drug given to babies to stop teething pain, diarrhea, and other minor ailments. The soothing syrup aimed to …

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