At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Streaking Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.
Streaking | definition of streaking by Medical dictionary
- streak (strēk) n. 1. A line, mark, smear, or band differentiated by color or texture from its surroundings. 2. Microbiology A sample of microorganisms that has been introduced into a solid culture medium by a needle drawn across its surface. v. streaked, streaking, …
Lymphangitis: Causes, symptoms, and …
- A person who feels very ill following an injury, or who has a high fever and symptoms of lymphangitis should seek …
Lymphangitis: Causes, Symptoms, and Diagnosis
- Lymphangitis is an inflammation of the lymphatic system, which is a major component of your immune system. Your lymphatic system is a network of organs, cells, …
Streak | definition of streak by Medical dictionary
- streak. (strēk) n. 1. A line, mark, smear, or band differentiated by color or texture from its surroundings. 2. Microbiology A sample of microorganisms that has been introduced …
Streaking Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
- streaking noun streak· ing ˈstrē-kiŋ Synonyms of streaking : the lightening (as by chemicals) of a few long strands of hair to produce a streaked effect Example Sentences …
Medical Definition of Lymphangitis - MedicineNet
- The bacteria enter the body through a cut, scrape, bite or wound of some sort. The bacteria can get into the lymphatic system, which is part of our immune system. …
Streaks | definition of streaks by Medical dictionary
- streak. (strēk) n. 1. A line, mark, smear, or band differentiated by color or texture from its surroundings. 2. Microbiology A sample of microorganisms that has been introduced into …
Fatty streak | definition of fatty streak by Medical dictionary
- Fatty streak | definition of fatty streak by Medical dictionary fatty streak Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. fatty streak Early evidence of …
Streaker | definition of streaker by Medical dictionary
- streak. (strēk) n. 1. A line, mark, smear, or band differentiated by color or texture from its surroundings. 2. Microbiology A sample of microorganisms that has been introduced into …
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