At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Stroma Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Stroma | definition of stroma by Medical dictionary
    stroma: [ stro´mah ] ( Gr. ) the tissue forming the ground substance, framework, or matrix of an organ, as opposed to the functioning part or parenchyma . adj., adj stro´mal, stromat´ic.

Stroma Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    stroma: [noun] a compact mass of fungal hyphae producing perithecia or pycnidia. the colorless proteinaceous matrix of a chloroplast in which the chlorophyll-containing …

Medical Definition of Stroma - MedicineNet
    Medical Definition of Stroma. Stroma: The supportive framework of an organ (or gland or other structure), usually composed of connective tissue. The stroma is …

    STRŌMA is the leader in permanent eye color change, with its revolutionary STRŌMA® Laser System.

Stroma - definition of stroma by The Free Dictionary
    stro·ma. 1. The connective tissue framework of an organ, gland, or other structure, as distinguished from the tissues performing the special function of the organ or part. 2. …

Stromal | definition of stromal by Medical dictionary
    stromal: ( strō'măl ), Stromatic; relating to the stroma of an organ or other structure. Synonym(s): stromic

Stroma - Pathology dictionary -
    Reactive stroma is a term pathologists use to describe non-cancerous changes. Even though the changes in the reactive stroma are non-cancerous, they can be seen in the …

Medical Definition of Stroma - RxList
    Read medical definition of Stroma. Stroma: The supportive framework of an organ (or gland or other structure), usually composed of connective tissue.The stroma …

Stroma - Definition and Function | Biology …
    In animals, stroma refers to those cells and tissues that support the key functional elements of an organ. For instance, in a heart, the muscle fibers and neurons …

Corneal stroma | definition of corneal stroma by Medical …
    corneal stroma. The thickest layer of the cornea located behind Bowman's layer and in front of Descemet's membrane. It represents approximately 90% of the total corneal thickness …

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